Creative Writing Community

Milestone Institute


Creative Writing Community

Milestone Institute

All works / 2024 Spring term / I want to live my LIFE

I want to live my LIFE

By: Hanna Nelson

I want to live my life.

I have goals and dreams, That constantly roam my mind. I want to know what everything means, To know that I’m alive.

I want to experience things, All the time the sun rises and sets. The early morning breeze, And feel my cheeks getting red.

I want to hear all the buzzes, On a quiet afternoon, How a little bird rushes, Not to get out of tune.

I want to climb the tallest mountain, And swim in the deepest lake. I want to hear my heart pounding, With every step I take.

I want to see the little things, The ones you don’t notice. The joy that it brings, When someone holds a door for us.

I want to travel the world, Meet all kinds of people. Know stories, never told, And never ever hateful.

I want to eat a homemade meal, With people I’ve never met. But make a fair deal, So, I don’t live in regret.

I want to jump out a plane, See the whole world beneath me. Feel adrenalin rush through my veins, As I question: will this end me?

I want to find my soulmate, In a person, place or feeling. I want to feel safe, Wherever I’m heading.

And When I finish my adventures, I want to write a book. Not to sell, or be famous, But to remember how it looked.

And when my time comes, I want to be able to say, That everything that I’ve done, Made me feel full by the end of the day.

Hanna Nelson
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