Creative Writing Community

Milestone Institute


Creative Writing Community

Milestone Institute

All works / 2024 Spring term / To be Seventeen

🏆 Special Award

To be Seventeen

By: Novák Veronika

To be, or not to be? That is the question. I choose to be once more, to be a new number. Seventeen, I choose. For forever. For one year. To draw all the flowers. To watch the pink clouds fade.

To continue walking. Living in this morbid joke. To always try to get up, when pushed to the floor. To have some friends, other than shadows and demons. To drink my tea happily, enjoying the taste of lemons.

To be, or not to be? That is the question. I choose to be once more, to be a new number. Seventeen, I choose. For forever. For one year. To stay in this world longer, and watch what I made.

To feel what I feel without counting to ten. To try being happy without finding Eden. To stop with the 'would', and talk about 'will'. To find all the people, who understand me.

To be or not to be? That's not the question. I am. Still. And I will be. But with a new number. Seventeen, I become. And I'm running faster. Something changed, for forever. For one year. The new question is: What to be?

To be someone new. To be a sweet smile. To be fine. To be a winner. To be a dreamer. To be forever. To be one year. But most importantly to be Seventeen.

Novák Veronika
October 12th, 2023
Special Award
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